Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Morning in U2 Songs

So, what do I mean by a morning in U2 songs?  As I'm sure is well-known, I'm a bit obsessed with U2.  I joke that I've been in a relationship with Bono for longer than I've known my husband or any of my friends. So, when Bono speaks, I listen, LOL.  For my birthday this year, I REALLY broke character and bought myself a subscription to (something I'd been resisting for  years).  It gives me access to all kinds of cool content, and also got me a wonderful cd and book from the last tour.  I've been listening to the cd in the car -- the chickadees love it too (#1 prefers "Get on Your Boots" because it opens with the "Ode to Joy" and #2 loves "Electrical Storm" because it's very romantic and she can sing it well.  (It reminds me of John Donne's "The Sun Rising".)  Anyway, while in traffic getting the chickadees to school, I heard an appropriate song.

Later, as I was daydreaming as I was driving, I wondered whether I'd sing the English or Italian part on America's Got Talent (My dream is to sing the Italian Part, but I just can't do it).  These lyrics are beautiful in either language:

Dici che il fiume/Trova la via al mare 
E come il fiume/Giungerai a me 
Oltre i confini/E le terre assetate 
Dici che come fiume/Come fiume 
L'amore giunger/

E non so pi pregare/E nell'amore non so pi sperare/E quell'amore non so pi aspettare 

You say that the river/Finds the way to the sea 
And as the river/You'll come to me 
Beyond the borders/And the thirsty lands 
You say that as the river/as the river/
Love will come 
And I cannot pray anymore/And I cannot hope in love anymore/And I cannot wait for love anymore 

While driving to Lowe's to pick up some paint and a few other things, I starting thinking about Susan and really missing her.  I was lost in thought, not really listening to the cd (From the Ground Up, a special live cd "curated" by The Edge).   Suddenly, I heard these lyrics:

A man dreams one day to fly
A man takes a rocket ship into the skies
He lives on a star that's dying in the night
And follows in the trail, the scatter of light

spoken by Frank DeWinne, commander of the International Space Station, FROM THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION:  I get it, Susan.  I get it.

While thinking about this whole body-hatred issue I have, especially the refrain.

While thinking about how good God is to me in trying to get my attention in ways that increase the likelihood I'll hear him.

When thinking of Brendan Kennelly, one of my professors at Trinity.  I especially love the last few lines of this.

Hope you've enjoyed this view into my stream-of-consciousness and slight (ahem) obsessiveness.

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